
By using this payment portal, you are aware that this is a third-party site is controlled by Civitek (a Tallahassee, Florida based Company), and accepting this Disclaimer that this Payment Portal is not owned, controlled, or endorsed by Vista Solutions Group, LP (aka VistaSG) its affiliates, subsidiaries, and each of their employees, officers, directors, personnel, or agents. VistaSG does not warrant the accuracy, completeness, nor the reliability of any service, advice, opinion, statement, or other information displayed or distributed through the Payment Portal. Furthermore, you are advised to make your own inquiries and arrangements to verify, scan and check the Payment Portal for any viruses, malicious code, or malware, and VistaSG provides no warranties whatsoever in this regard. You understand and acknowledge that your access of the Payment Portal and your availing of any services offered on the Payment Portal or reliance on any opinion, statement, or information available on the Payment Portal shall be at your sole risk. The information and services available on the Payment Portal is subject to changes, updates, revisions, verifications and amendments without notice and such services and information may change materially at any time, and you agree and accept the same.

VistaSG expressly disclaims all liability or responsibility whatsoever with respect to the Payment Portal you access, including, but not limited to any information displayed or distributed on/ by the Payment Portal.  That includes any deficiency in services, failure / disruption / inability to access the Payment Portal, failure to make payments, technical errors, loss or theft of data, erroneous submission of data or information, or any virus, malware, or phishing attacks, whether or not resulting from any act or omission of VistaSG, Civitek or any other party involved in the functioning of the Payment Portal, or in the services contained therein. Your usage of the Payment Portal is subject to your compliance of the applicable laws, regulations, and all applicable terms & conditions.

*NOTE: Successful payment on the Payment Portal will require the invoice number as shown on your invoice statement sent to you.  Additionally, you must list the Customer Account Name (Your Agency, Entity, Organization, City, County, State, and Department as shown on your invoice, and with making payment provide the details of the contact person making the payment or authorized person to complete the charge. Please have this information ready before using the Payment Portal. Payments made on the Payment Portal may ordinarily take 2 business days to reach VistaSG and will be recorded by VistaSG only as on the date they are fully received by Civitek as a result of your transaction.